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Hotel Discounts

We have coordinated with a few of our local hotels to offer the AAA/APM Fly-in attendees a discounted group rate for a limited time. Please check out the booking links below for a discount!

Wednesday, August 28, through Monday, September 2, 2024

Cobblestone Hotel

Book Now

Group: Antique Fly In Group

Hampton Inn

Book Now

Group: Antique Airfield’s annual AAA/APM Fly-in

Holiday Inn Express

Book Now

Group: Antique Airfield’s annual AAA/APM Fly-in

Quality Inn & Suites

Book Now

Group: Antique Airplane Fly-in

2024 Registration

Your registration fees help pay for the costs associated with the fly-in including security, emergency services, rental equipment, and insurance amongst many other expenses.

Register by July 1, 2024, to receive a discounted rate for the 2024 AAA/APM Invitational Fly-in!